John H Winstone BSc BArch (Bath) RIBA IHBC - Historic building conservation consultant since 1977 - Court Farm, Wookey, Wells, BA5 1LE. Tel: 01749-671055

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Lime Roughcast

Lime Roughcast on repaired Lias of a fifteenth-century lateral stack.

The roughly coursed Lias rubblestone required very extensive tile repair following decay accelerated by cementitious pointing. Previously the twin shafts had been compromised into a single brick shaft in the nineteenth century, reducing the individual flue draughts.
The house had always been roughcast and this is usually the preferred finish to severely decayed Lias. The haired lime roughcast was sized to match the surviving medieval roughcast below the lean-to roof. Rain guards and a lightning conductor were added. Completed 2006.
Large image of lime roughcast
All images Copyright © 2006 Reece Winstone Archive